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Custom Mobile App

for King Khalid
online University

Turnkey solution for King Khalid University

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The Customer

King Khalid University is one of the biggest public universities in Saudi Arabia, with nearly 60,000 students.

Their KKUx online web learning platform provides courses and programs for people aged 16 to 45+.

The course topics are related to skills for the jobs of the future. The platform offers paid accredited certificates and serves more than 2,500,000 visits per month.

King Khalid University has chosen RaccoonGang as an experienced partner that can fulfill all their requirements in developing a mobile application for their existing Open edX platform.


The customer needed a mobile app (iOS and Android) as most of their learners (80%) use mobile devices/tablets regularly.

For a seamless learning experience, it is necessary to provide not only a standard but also advanced functionality of the mobile application.
The KKUx eLearning platform has a a set of custom features, so the mobile app’s functionality needed to be expanded.

Need for Arabic localization and right-to-left orientation implementation on the mobile application.


Tough deadlines and the need in the discovery phase

The KKUx were looking for a partner to support them in rapidly translating the high-level business requirements into detailed wireframes, user stories, and tech specs. We needed to ensure that the app that was about to be delivered would cover all the expectations with no “unpleasant surprises.”

Synchronization with the web app vendor

Another vendor has been implementing a set of custom features on the web app in parallel. So, it was important to build an effective collaboration workflow for the timely and error-free feature delivery on mobile applications.

Customization VS From Scratch

There is a default Open edX® mobile app with a good set of out-of-the-box features. However, to align it with a highly customized web application, many customizations were required. So, we needed to make a well-grounded choice: customize the default mobile app or build a custom app from scratch using custom connectors with the web app.


We helped our customer make the best technological decisions:
Together with the customer, we analyzed all the requirements and roughly estimated both scenarios, taking into account the long-term perspective.
We decided that it is better to create a custom mobile app so as not to spend a lot of resources on re-customization in the future.
Development from scratch on the particular case allows to deliver the needed features quicker (including animated elements of UI), and synchronize future new features of the web app cost-effectively.
Discovery & Design phase
Development phase #1 - iOS / Android
Discovery & Design phase
Development phase #2 - iOS
Discovery phase #2 (High-level product backlog formation with features, priorities, user stories, etc. + web platform audit)
Development phase #3 - Android
Development phase #4 (Web platform customization. + Annual Premium support)
Development phase #5-6 (Further web platform customizations + Simultaneous iOS/Android development)

High-quality Discovery phase provided a
high-quality result

Analyzed the types of course content on the KKUx’s platform
and accordingly determined the technical requirements, priority, list of features and estimates.

UX\UI design. Thoughtful architecture

Course exploration interfacedesign. Thoughtful architecture

Course outline (course structure)

Learner Dashboard (with improvements)

Course content (HTML, Problem, YouTube Video, PDF)


The customer’s business goal – revolutionizing the eLearning experience of the Arab community – has been achieved. KKUx advanced eLearning features and experiences (previously provided via Open edX web application only) are now available for students via mobile applications.

The application continues to be improved and customized. The customer is planning a new mobile-first platform, which will be the main resource for learners. RaccoonGang is ready to facilitate and cooperate further.

The basic test version of the application was presented at the beginning of the 2021 school year and received positive feedback from KKUx and the Ministry of Education of Saudi Arabia.


“I cannot thank your team enough for the great and wonderful work you have done in the past year we have worked together. You have really shown how good of a partner you are.

Words can’t give you justice for the hard work you’ve put in and how much the management and the university president were happy, the minister was impressed”.

Saad Qobti – manager KKUx

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