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Custom LMS
for a Prominent
Media Institute

Customizations, scalability; smooth learners, content, and data migration
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The Customer

The Media Institute we collaborated with is an educational project within a global media network conglomerate.
With a vast global audience, the educational platform attracted a substantial number of learners.

In response to increased user demand during the 2020 pandemic, the number of registered users reached its peak at 120,000 in May 2020. Moreover, the platform’s growth prompted the necessity for a more advanced, customized LMS.

In partnership with Raccoon Gang, the decision was made to transition the existing eLearning platform to a new learning management system based on Open edX.


The development of a new eLearning platform is aligned with the vision of the Media Institute as a prominent provider in media training.
This platform reflects the Institute's extensive experience, which has been used to train and qualify journalists and media professionals on a global scale.
To assist the Media Institute in taking a significant step forward, the new LMS needed to include the following key features:
Ability to sell courses to organizations in a suitable way (white-labeled subdomains, seamless staff enrollment, course access management system, etc.)
Ability to manage content, users, courses, social interactions, etc. in a modern way
Seamless mobile learning experience
eCommerce functionality
Advanced eLearning reporting
Customized certification flow
By leveraging Open edX® as the foundational technology for creating a customized LMS, alongside our readily available packages, we were able to address nearly every requirement for the project, with the exception of certification and UX/UI customizations. This made us well-prepared to implement the next-generation learning management system for the Media Institute.


Existing learning content had to be adapted for the new platform and mapped according to the Open edX course structure. The transition needed to be invisible to the user, so we needed to replicate the original platform's interface and transfer all the learner progress.
The platform had to be highly scalable and ready to serve up to 20,000 consequent users smoothly, keeping uptime above 98%.
We had to ensure that the technical security measures met the stringent security standards required.
The institute maintains its cloud infrastructure within the MS Azure environment, managed by its dedicated cloud computing team. It was essential to ensure the new LMS was configured for seamless integration with the existing cloud infrastructure.


Custom Design

The LMS interface has been customized to match the design of the original platform, including the new custom features. The platform is fully adaptive and looks great on any device.

Main page of the LMS
Migration & Saved Progress

We’ve applied a multistep migration process to make it almost invisible to hundreds of thousands of users. We ranked learner groups by activity and migrated their data accordingly. User data is activated after their first login to the new LMS using single sign-on.

Synchronizing a training user’s history takes a few minutes, so we applied an individual transition. This decision allowed us to save each learner’s progress during the migration but not stop the platform.

LMS screens
Scaling & Cloud Service

We facilitated the hosting for the new LMS, seamlessly integrating it with the Customer’s Azure cloud computing services. The platform exhibited remarkable scalability, capable of accommodating a substantial number of users, as verified during testing.

The Azure PAAS services were utilized for a multitenant deployment in two phases: initially, we established a prototype infrastructure, and subsequently, we executed the deployment process with the updated application code.

We worked productively with the customer’s cloud team to implement our new solution.

Customized Localization

We adapted the platform’s multilingualism to the requirements of the customer’s team. We have added automatic display of courses depending on the localization chosen by the users. From the English-language localization, students see only English-language courses. If they choose a different language, courses in both languages are displayed.

We also created an additional field “Full Name” in the Account settings page and Registration form. It allows automatic generation of a full name in a custom certificate. The field is optional.

Open edX already had the localization required by the customer; it was 97% completed. We not only completed the translation, but also edited the text of the entire system in detail in this language in accordance with the preferences of the Customer.

We also replicated and improved the functionality of the language filter field on the Course Catalog.

LMS language screens
Media Experts Spotlight

The Institute is associated with outstanding specialists in the field of media training. This eLearning platform takes pride in assembling a team of renowned industry professionals to assist learners in achieving future success.

Therefore, it is essential to display the trainer’s photo and name under each course and a link to his full profile. Users can easily find courses from their favorite media experts.

We reproduced this element in the new LMS and upgraded its flow (on the Main page, Course catalog and on each Course landing page).

We’ve implemented the “Instructor” course filter and technical solutions to display all courses from a selected instructor on its Instructor Bio page.

LMS screens
Introductory Lessons & Saved Courses Feature

“Introductory lessons” from experts are also a powerful incentive to register for a course. The element is placed on the course landing page, along with other building blocks. Each block is optional: if one is empty on the admin panel, it is automatically hidden.

Users are able to add courses to “Saved” section which is displayed on the learner’s Dashboard

LMS screens
eCommerce Setup

We’ve integrated the eCommerce feature with the Customer’s custom CyberSource gateway.

LMS screens
Custom Certification 1/2

The custom LMS gives the ability to create different certificate layouts for each course.

One can upload certificate templates and placeholder items: a partner logo and QR code.

We also added the ability to set up bilingual or monolingual versions and an optional paid certificate indicator (with the signature of the institute director).

We’ve developed The custom LMS gives the ability to create different certificate layouts for each course.

One can upload certificate templates and placeholder items: a partner logo and QR code. We also added the ability to set up bilingual or monolingual versions and an optional paid certificate indicator (with the signature of the institute director).

LMS certificate

Course managers are able to choose a certificate template for a given course, upload partner logo if necessary, and upload a QR code. Bilingual certificates and backend functionality for them to be available are also implemented.

Customer can create any HTML certificate layout and upload it in the Admin panel. The new template will be available immediately in LMS Studio.

LMS certificate
GDPR Functionality

We’ve implemented the GDPR compliance functionality according to the Media Institution’s standards.

LMS screens
RG Gamification Tool

The platform is designed to make education and training entertaining and engaging. We’ve set up our RG Gamification tool for the LMS:

Flexible baging rules
Points and statuses
Informative gamification dashboard
Informative gamification dashboard
Gamification dashboard and leaderboard has been aligned with the general platfrom’s style
LMS Gamification
RG Analytics Tool

Our RG Analytics module added actionable and real-time reports to the LMS. It’s a powerful tool for improving online courses based on learners’ activities analysis and course completion success levels, including ability to connect with a particular learner group (by progress level, by lesson they are stuck in, by assessments they have issues with, etc.)

LMS Gamification
Corporate Package

The corporate package is also one of the off-the-shelf tools developed by Raccoon Gang. It allows the creation of branches of the platform on additional specialized white-labeled subdomains.

The institution can employ subdomains to partner with other companies, granting them access to their preferred selection of courses. This facilitates business-to-business sales of learning materials.


The new custom LMS successfully helps to implement the Media Institution's mission: to work on developing every learner’s media skills to pave the way for their ambitions.
Do you consider building a custom LMS?
With us, you get a team of eLearning experts, experienced custom LMS developers, and gain a lot of benefits of using powerful open source LMS technology
custom lms is easy with us!
Do you consider building a custom LMS?
With us, you get a team of eLearning experts, experienced custom LMS developers, and gain a lot of benefits of using powerful open source LMS technology
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