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On-Campus online course proctoring

On-Campus online course proctoring from Raccoon Gang

Online course proctoring is an essential tool for course admins and authors, as it provides the tools for ensuring successful - and honest - course completion and exams passing. This is an important topic, so we decided to create a series of blog posts on each branch of the proctoring services developed by Raccoon Gang.

Raccoon Collaborator, Raccoon Gang

The master collaborator, weaving together the threads of opportunity and partnership to enrich our raccoon community.

We created such online course proctoring services:

  1. On-Campus Proctoring System
  2. Examus Proctoring integration into Open edX
  3. Multi-proctoring

On-Campus Open edX proctoring allows one or more proctors to control the process of exam completion, revise the previous student’s attempts, approve or reject the current attempt and comment their decisions. It uses the blended learning model, where theoretical part is given online but the exams are held in a campus class. This is a great alternative to a fully online proctoring. Let’s compare both of them by taking a look on how they work:

Here is how online course proctoring usually works:

  1. Proctoring is done with special  proprietary software, which comes with some LMS solutions by default and should be manually added to others. This software requires subscription and additionally charges for each exam check, which can result in decent sums when we talk about MOOCs with thousands of students..
  2. During the exam said software captures student’s screen, records them via webcam to ensure their identity and signals when there’s possible cheating.
  3. In order to finish the proctoring, each record must be checked – either by the course staff or by hired specialist.

On the other hand, here is how On-Campus proctoring system works:

  1. The system is installed and configured once and can be used for unlimited number of students afterwards.
  2. During the exam in the campus classroom, proctor using On-Campus connects to students’ accounts and the system logs their actions, notifying the proctor of students’ activity. Thus said, proctors can physically observe the exam and add comments to each record in real time.
  3. When the exam time is over, the proctoring is partially complete.

Therefore, the benefits of On-Campus proctoring are the following:

  1. No scaling costs, as the system can be used for any number of students free of charge after initial investment into deployment and setup.
  2. Internal proctors cost the campus much less as compared to hiring external staff.
  3. It requires less time on checking the exams.

By using the On-Campus Proctoring System from Raccoon Gang, universities and other educational institutions can verify the students gained the course knowledge online and passed the tests on campus, thus allowing to add these courses to student’s diploma.

In our next article we will describe the Examus proctoring integration developed by Raccoon Gang. Stay in touch!

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