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Open edX® Eucalyptus hotfixes and new features released February, 2017

Open edX Ficus release must be deployed on Ubuntu 16.04, due to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS expiring April, 2017. Therefore, Open edX Eucalyptus installations are here to stay for long, at least until some procedure of duplicating  their content to Ficus is developed. Thus said, all currently deployed Open edX installations will benefit greatly from exploring the new hotfixes and updating their Eucalyptus platform’s functionality to the max. So here you have it, a comprehensive list of the latest Open edX Eucalyptus hotfixes and new features released February, 2017.

Raccoon Tech Pathfinder, Raccoon Gang

The technical wizard navigating the digital forest, pioneering new technological horizons that keep Raccoon Gang at the forefront of innovation.

We browsed the Open edX documentation and collected  the list of all Eucalyptus improvements for learners and course authors. They are listed below, with short explanations on each fix or update.

LMS updates

  • Dashboard with Analytics. More detailed and up-to-date information about enrollment is available on the course dashboard.
  • Reporting on a Problem. Increased learner support through prevention of a user from manually entering a course name when submitting a problem and, thus, reducing the time to resolve the learner’s concern.
  • Accessibility Improvements. Better experience for screen reader users and for learners relying on keyboards is now provided.
  • Discussions Sorting by most votes, most activity, and recent activity.
  • Correct answer is indicated by a check mark as well (if Show Answer setting is active for a problem).
  • Commenting with screen readers improvement. In discussion forum, users with screen readers now get pointed to a correct part of the discussion after they post a comment.
  • Standard radio buttons. Standard radio buttons describing post type are now used during new post creation to help users with high contrast schemes identify the post type easier.
  • No tools announcement. If “no tools” option is enabled, course learner notes and calculator tools are not announced to screen readers.
  • Visible field label for wiki filter. The wiki filter control now has a visible field label.
  • Searchable Insights Course Pages. Course authors and staff now can search the courses on Insights Course pages by course ID or name.

Mobile app updates

Studio updates

As you can see, quite a lot of improvements were added to Open edX Eucalyptus release this February. They mostly aim for learner and staff convenience, greater content accessibility, and a better mobile app experience. We will keep you posted regarding new hotfixes and features added to the Open edX platform, so stay in touch!

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