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Mobile-first eLearning is the future we stand for, along with Apple and Google

Apple ConnectED: are we ready for mobile-first eLearning?

Apple’s presentation on the 7th of September, 2016 caused significant traction. Just as all Apple customers we liked the new iPhone 7 features, however we were most excited to hear of Apple joining the President Obama’s educational initiative - ConnectED, and we would like to share our vision on this point.

Captain of Mobile Innovation, Raccoon Gang

Steering the vibrant ensemble of our mobile department, Volodymyr directs mobile solutions that captivate audiences and force Raccoon Gang to the vanguard of app development.

ConnectEd is an effort to help the most underserved schools in the USA in gaining top notch equipment and implementing modern educational technologies. Apple donated $100,000,000 in equipment to 114 such schools across the country, ensuring that each classroom receives an Apple TV, each teacher receives a Mac and iPad and each student receives an iPad. Apple also provides special apps, equipment usage training, wireless hardware upgrade and ongoing support, so that schools can benefit from this equipment most.

This project intertwines with another mobile-focused Apple initiative, Everyone Can Code.

Google is also paying great attention to better information accessibility with their “Mobile first” motto. This clearly demonstrates the way the technology in general and educational technology in particular is moving – access the web wherever you are, whenever you need, from a mobile device.

Education is shifting from classroom education to blended or fully online learning with significant trend on using mobile devices. We are glad to share vision with market leaders in firmly believing that mobile-first eLearning is the way the learning evolves.

We are also proud to be evangelists of Open edX platform, which is actively developing mobile-first eLearning and is backed up by giants like Google, MIT, Harvard, edX.org and others.

We encourage all education market players to join us along with Apple and Google in shaping the mobile-first eLearning world!

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