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Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Best LMS for Nonprofits

Empowering your team and volunteers with effective training is crucial for any non-profit organization. But finding the right tools to deliver that training can feel overwhelming. Look no further! This comprehensive guide dives deep into the world of Learning Management Systems specifically designed for nonprofits.

Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Best LMS for Nonprofits
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Raccoon Collaborator, Raccoon Gang
The master collaborator, weaving together the threads of opportunity and partnership to enrich our raccoon community.
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Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Best LMS for Nonprofits

Understanding Learning Management Systems (LMS)

Learning Management Systems (LMSs) have become indispensable tools in education and training. These platforms streamline delivering, managing, and tracking learning activities, making them ideal for various organizations, including nonprofits. When choosing the right LMS for nonprofits, it’s crucial to consider a range of factors to ensure optimal alignment with your organization’s unique needs and goals.

What is a Learning Management System?

A Learning Management System, commonly called an LMS, is a software application that facilitates the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting, and delivery of educational courses, training programs, or learning and development programs. An LMS is a central hub where educators or trainers can create, manage, and deliver content. At the same time, learners can access and engage with the materials at their own pace and convenience.

Why Use an LMS for Nonprofit Work?

Nonprofit entities encounter hurdles concerning resources, time allocation, and workforce capacity. However, leveraging an LMS can offer numerous benefits for addressing these challenges.

Train and develop your team

With an LMS, nonprofits can provide comprehensive training and development opportunities to their staff and volunteers regardless of their geographical location.

For example, a nonprofit organization committed to environmental conservation can utilize an LMS to educate volunteers on sustainability practices, biodiversity conservation, and fundraising strategies.

Bypass financial constraints

Traditional training methods often come with hefty costs associated with venue rentals, printed materials, and instructor fees. In contrast, an LMS enables nonprofits to deliver training and educational content online, eliminating the need for costly resources. This allows organizations to allocate their limited funds more efficiently toward mission-driven initiatives.

Reduce training time

Time is a critical factor for nonprofits, and implementing an LMS can significantly streamline the training process. It allows staff and volunteers to access learning materials anytime, anywhere.

For example, a nonprofit focused on providing healthcare services in remote areas can use an LMS to deliver training modules on emergency response protocols, effectively reducing the time required to prepare volunteers for fieldwork.

Key Questions to Ask When Choosing an LMS for Nonprofits

Selecting the appropriate LMS for a nonprofit is a pivotal decision that directly affects the effectiveness of your training and development endeavors.

Is your LMS platform SCORM compliant?

SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) standards ensure interoperability and compatibility with a wide array of eLearning content authoring tools and learning resources. It ensures that your LMS can seamlessly import and track SCORM-compliant content, providing a standardized content creation and delivery approach.

Why it’s important: SCORM compliance allows nonprofits to leverage various third-party content libraries and authoring tools to create engaging and interactive learning experiences for their staff and volunteers without compatibility issues.

Can we use your LMS globally?

Nonprofits often operate globally, with staff, volunteers, and beneficiaries in different regions and countries. Therefore, it’s essential to choose an LMS that supports multi-language options, timezone settings, and accessibility features to accommodate diverse learners worldwide.

Why it’s important: A globally accessible LMS ensures that all stakeholders can access training materials and resources regardless of location, fostering inclusivity and collaboration across borders.

Can I personalize the Learning Management System?

Personalization features allow nonprofits to tailor the LMS interface, course content, and user experiences to meet the specific needs and preferences of their learners. Customizable branding, user profiles, and learning paths empower organizations to create a more engaging and relevant learning environment.

Why it’s important: Personalization fosters higher learner engagement and motivation, resulting in improved knowledge retention and skill acquisition. It also enables nonprofits to reinforce their organizational culture and values through tailored training experiences.

Does your Learning Management System make learning fun?

Engagement is key to effective learning, especially in nonprofit settings where volunteers and staff may have limited time and resources. Look for an LMS that incorporates gamification elements, interactive multimedia content, and social learning features to make the learning experience enjoyable and motivating.

Why it’s important: Fun and interactive learning experiences captivate learners’ attention and encourage active participation and knowledge sharing. This can result in higher levels of learner satisfaction and improved training outcomes for nonprofits.

Does your Learning Management System provide reporting features?

Comprehensive reporting and analytics capabilities are essential for nonprofits to track learner progress, assess training effectiveness, and demonstrate impact to stakeholders and funders. Look for an LMS with robust reporting features, including customizable dashboards, progress tracking, and assessment analytics.

Why it’s important: Reporting functionalities empower nonprofits to gauge their training expenditures’ return on investment (ROI), pinpoint areas for enhancement, and implement data-driven strategies to refine their learning initiatives.

How well does your LMS platform integrate with my existing network?

Integration capabilities are essential for nonprofits that rely on existing systems and tools for donor management, fundraising, and volunteer coordination. Choose an LMS that seamlessly integrates with your organization’s CRM, HRIS, and other software applications to streamline data sharing and workflow automation.

Why it’s important: Integration eradicates the need for manual data entry, minimizes administrative burdens, and guarantees data accuracy and consistency across multiple systems. This enables nonprofits to leverage their existing infrastructure more effectively and maximize the value of their technology investments.

Essential Features to Look for in a Learning Management System

Here are key attributes to prioritize when assessing potential LMS solutions.

Features to consider when choosing LMS for nonprofits include:

Features Impact
Intuitive User Interface Look for a clean layout, clear navigation menus, and responsive design for better user experience across devices.
Content Authoring Tools. Features such as drag-and-drop editors, multimedia support, and templates enhance content creation efficiency and flexibility.
Mobile Compatibility Look for responsive design, native mobile apps, and offline access capabilities for learning on the go.
Comprehensive Course Management Key functionalities to look for include course scheduling, enrollment management, progress tracking, and grading capabilities.
Collaboration and Social Learning Tools These features facilitate peer-to-peer learning, group projects, and community engagement within the LMS environment.
Assessment and Evaluation Features. Look for customizable assessment options, automated grading, and performance analytics for actionable learner proficiency and engagement insights.
Integration Capabilities Integration capabilities streamline data sharing, automate workflows, and enhance overall system interoperability and efficiency.
Security and Compliance  Look for features such as role-based access control, encryption, regular security updates, and compliance certifications.
Scalability and Customization Options Select an LMS that can scale alongside your organization’s growth and evolving training needs.
Support and Training Resources Look for access to documentation, tutorials, helpdesk support, and dedicated account management services.

Top 13+ Learning Management Systems for Nonprofits

1. iSpring Learn

iSpring Learn is a cloud-based LMS designed to deliver corporate training and eLearning for businesses of all sizes, including nonprofits. It offers a user-friendly interface, comprehensive features, and mobile compatibility for seamless learning experiences.

What do customers say?

✅ Positive: Transitioning from their Authoring Tool to their LMS proved a game-changer for us. The transition, coupled with its user-friendly interface, truly sets it apart. It’s remarkable how much value you get for your investment!

❌ Negative: While iSpring Learn offers great simplicity, some setup processes can be a bit tedious. Additionally, there’s room for enhancement in the reporting. Some of the features have untapped potential that I haven’t fully explored yet.

2. Absorb LMS

Absorb LMS is a robust learning management system that simplifies the training process. LMS stands out as a versatile solution for organizations of all sizes. Alongside exceptional customer service, users benefit from a wealth of resources to enhance their learning experience.

What do customers say?

✅ Positive: One standout aspect of Absorb LMS is its simplicity. Users appreciate its intuitive interface, making setting up, maintaining, and adapting to their specific needs effortless. Moreover, the exceptional customer service and abundant resources provided further enhance the overall experience.

❌ Negative: The reporting function of Absorb LMS falls short for some users. The reporting feature is perceived as not being user-friendly, leading to underutilization of this potentially valuable tool.

3. Tovuti LMS

Tovuti LMS offers a user-friendly dashboard and live classroom session capabilities, providing an immersive learning experience. With features such as assessment tests and automatic data collection, participants can engage with course content effectively. Additionally, detailed reports offer valuable insights into participant progress and performance.

What do customers say?

✅ Positive: The user-friendly dashboard of Tovuti LMS stands out, providing easy navigation and facilitating the creation of live classroom sessions. Participants appreciate the ability to take assessment tests created by administrators, as well as the automatic collection of participant experiences. Detailed reports generated by the platform offer valuable insights into course engagement and progress.

❌ Negative: Managing Tovuti LMS posed some challenges for our team. However, prompt assistance from the technical support team helped us overcome these hurdles. Once we became accustomed to the platform’s diverse functions, managing Tovuti became a seamless experience. While there may be a learning curve initially, the platform’s capabilities make it worth the effort.

4. LearnUpon

LearnUpon is an LMS known for its white-labeling features, which allow organizations to customize their dashboards with logos and colors.

What do customers say?

✅ Positive: LearnUpon’s standout feature is its white-labeling capabilities, which enable organizations to swiftly personalize the platform with their own branding elements. This was a significant improvement over our previous TMS and allowed us to create a cohesive learning environment aligned with our brand identity.

❌ Negative: LearnUpon experienced a significant price increase without introducing new features. This steep rise in cost made it challenging for some organizations, including ours, to justify the investment. Additionally, standard functions, such as custom reports, were moved to higher-priced tiers, limiting access for smaller businesses. This shift has led us to explore alternative solutions that fit our budget and requirements better.

5. SAP Litmos

SAP Litmos offers a user-friendly learning management system with a visually appealing and customizable dashboard. Users appreciate its ease of navigation and ability to personalize the dashboard’s appearance.

What do customers say?

✅ Positive: The dashboard is easy to navigate for users most of the time. I was really happy with the look and feel of the dashboard for users. I was able to customize images, and the display of the dashboard is friendly to the eye.

❌ Negative: The technical problem-solving process is dreadful. I have waited months for potential solutions just to have to wait for a “release.” Then, after the “release,” the issue is not solved, and a subpar workaround has been created. In one instance, a learner could not log in as the system kept saying “reset password,” which they couldn’t do, and the technical advice was “keep trying”. The poor technical solutions will likely result in my organization looking elsewhere.

6. 360Learning

360Learning offers a user-friendly learning management system designed to streamline training processes. Its efficient help support, intuitive interface, and absence of technical expertise requirements make it an attractive option for organizations.

What do customers say?

✅ Positive: Users praise the efficient help support provided by 360Learning, noting quick responses and relevant assistance. The team’s reactivity and helpfulness contribute to a positive user experience. Additionally, the platform’s ease of use eliminates the need for IT expertise or coding knowledge.

❌ Negative: The platform’s frequent introduction of new features and updates can be overwhelming for users to keep up with. Despite offering webinars, some users may struggle to stay abreast of the changes, impacting their utilization of the platform’s full capabilities.

7. Docebo

Docebo is an LMS that offers extensive customization options. Users can tailor the platform to their specific needs. Its flexibility fosters creativity and enhances user engagement, making it a preferred LMS for public sector organizations.

What do customers say?

✅ Positive: Users appreciate Docebo’s flexibility, highlighting its ability to accommodate their requirements effectively. The platform’s extensive customization options empower users to bend it to their will, fostering creativity and improving user engagement.

❌ Negative: The platform’s continuous evolution may result in inconsistent user interface elements, primarily in the backend. While manageable, this inconsistency poses a minor challenge.

8. Cornerstone

Cornerstone is renowned for its robust reporting and administration functionality, enabling organizations to communicate learning status effectively and promote new programs seamlessly.

What do customers say?

✅ Positive: Users commend Cornerstone’s strength in reporting and administration, which facilitates real-time communication of learning progress and marketing new programs.

❌ Negative: Despite its user-friendly interface, the implementation process may present challenges. Some users, including product leaders, have experienced difficulties during setup, citing confusion and a steep learning curve on the admin side. While the platform is ultimately easy to use, it’s advisable to allocate sufficient time for implementation and familiarization to mitigate these challenges.

9. Thinkific

Thinkific offers a user-friendly platform known for its ease of use and simplicity in content creation and delivery, making it an attractive option for both course creators and students.

What do customers say?

✅ Positive: Users appreciate Thinkific’s intuitive interface, highlighting its ease of use and agility in loading content. From the student’s perspective, the platform is straightforward and user-friendly, enhancing the overall learning experience.

❌ Negative: Some users find Thinkific to be a bit complicated to use, particularly when trying to locate specific areas for editing or customization. Additionally, the platform’s monthly cost may be perceived as high for beginners or those on a tight budget, posing a barrier to entry for some users.

10. Blackboard

Blackboard Learn is a widely-utilized LMS that facilitates online education. It is a digital learning environment where instructors can create, manage, and distribute courses while learners access materials, participate in discussions, and submit assignments.

What do customers say?

✅ Positive: Blackboard’s extensive resources and dedicated account management ensure robust support for large enterprises. Their team offers comprehensive training and ongoing assistance to guide and support.

❌ Negative: Despite its features, some users may find Blackboard Learn less customizable than desired.

11. Canvas

Canvas is a comprehensive LMS designed to streamline online education. It offers organization features for courses, assignments, and deadline management.

What do customers say?

✅ Positive: Users appreciate Canvas’s intuitive course organization, streamlined assignment management, and flexible deadline settings.

❌ Negative: Lack of reliable auto-save functionality can frustrate students, particularly when they invest time and effort into their work.

12. Moodle

Moodle offers extensive pedagogical opportunities for imparting knowledge, developing skills, and assessing competencies. It prioritizes learning and teaching affordances to enhance the educational experience.

What do customers say?

✅ Positive: Users appreciate Moodle’s wide-ranging possibilities for fostering learning, whether it’s acquiring knowledge, honing skills, or demonstrating competencies. The platform’s design emphasizes pedagogical principles, offering educators a robust framework to create engaging and compelling learning experiences.

❌ Negative: Some users find Moodle’s user interface less intuitive than expected, especially new users who are navigating both as designers and learners. The platform’s complexity may pose challenges for individuals accustomed to more user-friendly interfaces, highlighting the need for improvements in usability and accessibility to better serve users’ evolving expectations.

13. Totara Learn

Totara Learn offers an LMS that focuses on simplicity and customization. Its powerful reporting capabilities and level of customization make it a popular choice among enterprise users.

What do customers say?

✅ Positive: Users appreciate Totara Learn’s clean interface, which facilitates easy navigation and administration. The platform offers robust reporting features that provide reliable learner progress and performance insights. Additionally, Totara Learn offers a good level of customization, allowing organizations to tailor the system to their specific needs.

❌ Negative: However, Totara Learn’s native competency framework may present limitations for some users, such as the inability to allow repeated completion via certification, which is necessary for certain industries. Users have encountered brick wall limits with specific screens, particularly when dealing with complex course completion reports.

Additionally, the platform lacks features such as cloning enrollment methods or bulk importing activities from multiple courses into a single course, which can hinder efficiency for some users.

Additional Options

Adobe Captivate Prime

Adobe Captivate Prime offers a user-friendly LMS that prioritizes simplicity and effectiveness. With robust content creation, delivery, and tracking features, it enables nonprofits to deliver engaging learning experiences to their staff and volunteers.


Features such as customizable dashboards, social learning tools, and integrated communication channels empower organizations to deliver impactful training programs and foster collaboration among learners.


LearnDash is a versatile LMS plugin for WordPress that enables nonprofits to create and manage online courses with ease. With features such as advanced quiz capabilities, drip-feed content delivery, and multimedia support, it provides a flexible and scalable solution for delivering engaging eLearning experiences.


LifterLMS is a powerful LMS plugin for WordPress that offers a range of features tailored to nonprofits. From course creation and management to membership integration and engagement tracking, it provides nonprofits with the tools they need to deliver effective online training programs and drive learner success.


Looop is a modern learning platform that simplifies nonprofit training and development with intuitive content creation tools, personalized learning pathways, and actionable analytics.

Talent LMS

Talent LMS is a cloud-based LMS that offers a user-friendly interface and robust features for nonprofits. From course creation and assessment to tracking and reporting, it provides organizations with the tools they need to deliver engaging and effective training programs to their staff and volunteers.

How to Choose the Best LMS for Your Organization

When choosing an LMS for nonprofits, consider the following:

  1. Your organization’s specific needs and goals.
  2. Ease of use for both administrators and learners.
  3. Scalability and flexibility of the platform.
  4. Availability of key features like content authoring tools, assessments, and reporting.
  5. Integration capabilities with existing systems and software.
  6. Cost-effectiveness and value for money.
  7. Accessibility and mobile compatibility.
  8. Security and compliance features.
  9. Support and training resources are provided by the LMS vendor.
  10. User feedback and reviews from similar organizations.

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Customizing Your LMS Experience

Tailoring the platform to align with your organization’s branding, workflows, and specific training needs can enhance user engagement, improve learning outcomes, and streamline administrative processes. By incorporating custom themes, branding elements, and personalized content, you can create a unique and immersive learning environment that resonates with your learners and reinforces your organizational identity.

Leveraging Open edX® LMS, which offers extensive customization capabilities, further enhances this experience. As an official partner of Open edX, Raccoon Gang specializes in adapting this robust platform to fit your exact specifications. With our expertise, your organization can benefit from a fully tailored LMS solution, ensuring that every aspect of the system aligns perfectly with your educational goals and administrative requirements.

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Final Thoughts

With the right LMS for nonprofits, you can streamline training processes, empower your staff and volunteers, and drive organizational success. When evaluating LMS options, consider your organization’s unique needs, budget, and goals, and don’t hesitate to seek expert guidance if needed.

Remember, customization plays a crucial role in maximizing the usefulness of your LMS. Whatever path you choose, investing in a suitable LMS can be a game-changer for your organization. Here’s to your continued success in online learning!


12 LMS Features That Empower Non-Profits

eLearning Industry – Learning Management Systems Directory

eLearning Industry – LMS Market for Non-Profit Organizations

Learning Management System for Nonprofits – National Lawyers Association

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