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LMS Comparison

Comparison Best LMS: What LMS suits your needs best?

Choosing the right LMS can be daunting. Our guide has you covered. We'll walk you through everything you need to know, from different types of LMS to key features and benefits. By the end, you'll be confident in your choice and equipped to advise others on their own LMS journey. So, let's dive in!

Table of Contents
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Comparison Best LMS: What LMS suits your needs best?

What are the Benefits of Learning Management System (LMS)?

A Learning Management System (LMS) can provide many benefits for both educators and students. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Improved access to course materials: LMS allows educators to upload and share course materials, such as syllabi, readings, and videos, with their students in a centralized location. This can make it easier for students to access and review the materials.
  • Increased collaboration and communication: LMS often have built-in tools for discussion forums, group work, and messaging, which can facilitate collaboration and communication among students and between students and educators.
  • Enhanced assessment and tracking: LMS can be used to administer quizzes and tests, and track student progress, making it easier for educators to monitor student performance and provide feedback.
  • Greater flexibility: LMS can allow students to access course materials and complete assignments on their own schedule, which can be particularly beneficial for those who are balancing multiple responsibilities or who have difficulty attending traditional classes.
  • Cost-effective: LMS can provide an effective and efficient way to deliver education, reducing costs associated with classroom expenses and materials.
  • Data analytics: LMS can give insights into student progress, learning patterns and other data that can be used to improve the learning experience for students.

Who Uses Learning Management Systems (LMSs)?

Learning Management Systems (LMSs) are used by a wide range of organizations, including:

  • K-12 schools and school districts: LMSs for schools are increasingly being used in primary and secondary education to deliver online courses, supplement classroom instruction, and track student progress.
  • Higher education institutions: Many colleges and universities use LMSs to deliver online courses, manage student enrollment, and track student progress.
  • Corporate and business organizations: LMSs are widely used in businesses and corporations to deliver employee training and development programs.
  • Government organizations: Government LMSs are used to deliver training and professional development programs to their employees.
  • LMS for non-profit organizations: Many non-profit organizations use LMSs to deliver training and educational programs to their members or the public.
  • Professional associations: Professional associations use LMSs to deliver continuing education courses and certification programs to their members.
  • Independent educators and tutors: LMSs are also used by independent educators and tutors to deliver their courses and manage their students.
  • Overall, LMSs are becoming increasingly popular as a way to deliver education and training in a wide range of settings and for a diverse group of learners.

What are the Alternatives to Learning Management System (LMS)?

There are several alternatives to Learning Management Systems (LMSs) that can be used to deliver education and training, including:

  • Online course platforms: Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and Khan Academy provide access to a wide range of online courses, including some that are free and some that are paid.
  • Virtual Classrooms: Platforms like Bootcamps, Google Classroom and Blackboard Collaborate allow educators to conduct live online classes and interactive sessions.
  • Microlearning platforms: Platforms like Duolingo, Quizlet, and Kahoot! provide bite-size learning opportunities that can be completed in short sessions.
  • Learning Experience Platforms (LXP): Platforms like Degreed and EdCast, that provide a personalized learning experience for the learners, suggesting content based on their role, interests and learning history.
  • Collaborative Learning Platforms: Platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams and Google Workspace allow educators and students to collaborate and communicate in real-time, share documents and work on projects together.
  • Content Management Systems (CMS): Platforms like WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla can be used to create and manage online learning resources, but they may not have all the features of a full-fledged LMS.

Ultimately, the best alternative to an LMS will depend on the specific needs of the organization and the learners.

It is also worth mentioning that many of these alternatives can be integrated with each other or with an LMS to provide a seamless experience for the learners.

Challenges with Learning Management System (LMS)

There are several challenges with Learning Management Systems (LMS), including:

  • Lack of personalization: Many LMSs do not provide a personalized learning experience for students.
  • Limited interactivity: Some LMSs do not offer interactive features, such as real-time discussions or group collaboration.
  • Difficulty in tracking student progress: It can be difficult for teachers to track student progress and provide personalized feedback.
  • Technical difficulties: LMSs can be complex and difficult to navigate, which can lead to technical difficulties for both teachers and students.
  • Limited flexibility: Many LMSs are not flexible and do not allow for easy integration with other educational tools or resources.
  • Limited accessibility: LMSs may not be accessible to all students, especially those with disabilities.
  • Cost: LMSs can be costly for educational institutions to implement and maintain.

Which Companies Should Buy a Learning Management System (LMS)?

Any company or organization that wants to deliver educational or training content to its employees, customers, or partners can benefit from a Learning Management System (LMS). This can include businesses of any size, in any industry, as well as schools, universities, and non-profit organizations. Companies that have many employees that need to be trained or educated, such as those in the healthcare, technology, and manufacturing industries, may find an LMS particularly useful.

Additionally, companies that have distributed teams or remote employees may also find an LMS beneficial, as it allows them to easily deliver training content to employees regardless of their location.


Crossroads of Choice

Let’s compare several key LMS evaluation criteria, including their features, benefits, and boundaries, to help you make an informed decision.

Comparison scheme for proprietary and open source lms

Types of LMS (Licensing Types)

LMS types are categorized by licensing and deployment type. Licensing types include proprietary and open-source software.


Proprietary LMSs are a type of LMS that is licensed under exclusive legal rights, which means they are closed source and restricted from modification, further distribution, and reverse engineering. Proprietary LMSs typically require license costs per user.

It is Important to Remember!

The provider of the proprietary LMS retains sole control over the product’s source code. Any updates, bug fixes, and changes in security policies are performed at the provider’s sole discretion. Customisation in this version is minimal, as the source code is not open to modification.

Who is Suitable for:

Proprietary LMSs may be a good fit for large organizations that can afford significant investments in purchasing their own LMS and paying for a contract for technical support. The provider of the proprietary LMS typically offers support and training services as part of the contract, which can help organizations implement and maintain the system.

Open Source

Open source LMSs are free and can be adapted to meet specific needs. They operate under the GNU General Public License, which guarantees the freedom to share and modify the program. However, customization requires design and development work, which can be done in-house or with the help of a vendor.

It is Important to Remember!

Open source LMSs require customization to meet specific requirements, which can be done internally or through a vendor.

Who is Suitable for:

This choice is reasonable for companies looking for a 100% customized solution without the need to pay for development from scratch.

Proprietary vs Open Source LMS

Look at this comparison chart to better understand the differences between proprietary and open-source LMSs.

Comparison proprietary and open source lms


Please check this comparison quiz of proprietary and open-source options to help you decide which type of LMS is suitable for your organization.

Types of LMS (Deployment Methods)

From the deployment method perspective, there are also two types of LMS: On-premise and Cloud-hosted LMS.

Cloud-hosted LMS

Cloud-hosted LMSs are a popular option for companies looking for a streamlined and cost-effective approach to training. These LMSs are hosted on remote servers and accessed through the internet, allowing users to log in to the vendor’s site and access all training materials and communication.


On-Premise Learning Management Systems are enterprise products hosted on the company’s server. Most of them can be integrated with other locally hosted products. They are traditionally more expensive, but their LMS pricing can be justified because they offer more customisation and individualisation than any other type, tackling scalability issues.

On-premise vs Cloud-Hosted LMS

To help you visualize the differences between LMS types, take a look at this comparison of on-premise and cloud-hosted LMSs.

Comparison on-premise and cloud hosted lms

Comparison of Top 4 Proprietary LMS

Let’s look at the selected TOP 4 proprietary LMS and discover all the peculiarities.

Litmos | Learning Management System Review

Litmos is a cloud-based LMS designed for continuous learning that integrates learning management, extended enterprise, content management, and pre-packaged content, providing a comprehensive solution for organizational training needs. The system features an eLearning environment for building logical learning paths, message and notification capabilities, and corporate compliance tracking. Gamification functionality is included for enhanced engagement, while eCommerce tools allow for the monetization of course materials. Additional features of Litmos include support for Tin Can and SCORM content, mobile accessibility, and integration with third-party applications.

LMS Litmos review

LearnUpon | Learning Management System Review

LearnUpon is a comprehensive Learning Management System tailored to meet the unique needs of diverse businesses and institutions. It provides a solution to larger organizations’ challenges in keeping their employees and students up-to-date with vital information. LearnUpon offers a responsive mobile interface that ensures seamless learning on all devices, with reports presenting critical information. With multilingual support, LearnUpon caters to institutes worldwide, delivering effective and equitable learning solutions.

LearnUpon LMS review

TalentLMS | Learning Management System Review

TalentLMS is a cloud-based Learning Management System designed to provide a highly customizable, easy-to-use platform for training a variety of audiences, from customers to employees. The platform is equipped with robust analytics, providing insights into every aspect of the eLearning environment. TalentLMS is provided with many features, such as support for SCORM & TinCan (xAPI), notifications, video conferencing, course selling, and gamification. User profiles can be easily extended for further personalization. The platform is designed to cater to small to medium-sized businesses, with options for larger organizations.

TalentLMS review

Thinkific | Learning Management System Review

Thinkific is an all-in-one platform for creating, selling, and managing online courses. It includes a website builder, advanced course-selling functionality, and a user-friendly interface. Although it has a high starting price, it offers users high ratings and positive reviews. However, the platform has limited interactive learning features.

Thinkific LMS review

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Comparison of TOP 4 Open Source LMS

Now let’s look at the top 4 Open Source LMS providers and compare them.

Sakai | Learning Management System Review

Sakai is an open-source eLearning platform that is a viable option for small-to-mid-sized organizations and student groups. Its modular design allows for a high degree of customization and supports a wide range of third-party modules and plugins. The platform is ideal for institutions with skilled IT departments as it requires technical knowledge to install and maintain. However, some of its features may be challenging for non-technical users, such as the calendar, media content, and email notifications. Despite these challenges, Sakai can be a cost-effective and flexible solution for organizations that need to tailor their eLearning system to their specific needs.

Sakai LMS review

Moodle | Learning Management System Review

Moodle is an online learning platform that provides basic functionality for free, with advanced features offered at a cost. It is a highly-regarded solution that caters to the needs of small-to-large businesses and educational organizations. The platform is open-source and offers a wide variety of extensions, and it does not require any subscription fees. However, Moodle has certain limitations as it is not easily customizable, and the setup process can be lengthy, requiring up to 18 months. Each server needs dedicated hardware to run, and customers must develop add-ons and plugins independently. Nonetheless, with a sufficient budget and a skilled IT department, Moodle can be a valuable asset.

Moodle LMS review

Canvas | Learning Management System Review

Canvas by Instructure is a highly customizable freemium LMS solution designed to be user-friendly and straightforward. It features mobile optimization and strong collaboration capabilities, making it a good fit for small to mid-sized organizations. While the system provides basic features at no cost, advanced features are available for a fee, and personnel training comes at an additional cost. Additionally, while Canvas is technically open-source, specific modules may require third-party development due to the final control over Canvas development remaining with the instructor.

Canvas LMS review

Open edX | Learning Management System Review

Open edX is a popular open-source e-learning platform widely adopted by both companies and academic institutions. It is a joint venture between leading universities such as MIT, Harvard, and Berkeley and major technology companies like Google.

One of the key advantages of Open edX is its XBlock technology, which makes content creation and management simple and customizable. The platform offers thousands of ready XBlocks out of the box, virtual laboratories for experiments, and even a chatbot for better UX.
However, the installation process can be challenging for those without experience with Ansible, Vagrant, and Virtualbox, and setting up the Open edX Analytics system can be lengthy.

Open edX LMS review

LMS Comparison — The Logic

To make an informed decision about which LMS to choose, it’s important to compare and consider the available options based on features, benefits, and limitations. E-learning industry defines 99 criteria and features commonly used to evaluate LMS options to help you make a more informed choice.

LMS Consideration Factors

For our LMS comparison, we used such main groups and subgroups of categories:


1. Content management system

2. Notifications

3. SSO


5. Automation

6. CRM

Learning Analytics:

1. Assessment Tracking

2. Administration Reporting

3. Feedback Tracking

4. Student Tracking

5. Automated Report Creation

Authoring Tools:

1. Gamification/ Simulations technologies

2. Assessment and Testing technologies

3. Audio/ Video Conferencing tools

4. Learning outcomes technologies (Grading functionality)

5. Social & collaboration technologies (chat tools)


1. Customizable LMS Branding

2. Customizable Reporting

3. Customizable User Interface

4. Customizable Functionality

5. Customizable Certificates


1. Adaptive learning

2. Social learning

3. e-Commerce

4. mLearning

5. Blended/Hybrid learning

Integral Quality Score Calculation

To compare and choose the best LMS options, we used the “multi-attribute utility” model approach. This model considers the different characteristics and their impact on the final decision, known as “feature weighting.”

We evaluated the frontrunners of each LMS type (proprietary and open-source) based on feature weighting and “feature performance,” which rates each characteristic on a scale from 0 (worst) to 1 (best). By combining these metrics, we calculated an integral score for each LMS, making it easier to compare and choose the best option.

For example, when choosing a new laptop, we can consider factors: performance, design, battery life, display quality, and sound quality. But these features have a different impact on our decision, so feature weighting could be the following:

Performance – 40%
Battery life – 20%
Display Quality – 20%
Sound Quality – 10%
Design – 10%
The sum is always 100%

Different features work differently in various products. Some are perceived as “better,” and some as “worse.” We’ll call these rates “feature performance.” Feature performance will be assessed from 0 (worst) to 1 (best).

Combining features’ weight and performance can be the integral score for comparing different products.

Formula for integral score of a LMS

FW, fw, fp are defined by our research based on CHLOE 3 and CHLOE 2 report, The Complete LMS Buying Guide, blog posts, and discussions on industry-leading forums like Elearning Industry, Capterra, Quora, Trustradius, Class Centra, Software Advice… 200+ resources in total.

Feature Weight info for Higher Level and their Lower-level Factors:

Factors and features for LMS comparison


In conclusion, choosing the suitable LMS is a critical decision that can significantly impact your organization’s success. By taking the time to evaluate your needs, compare different LMS options, and consider factors such as cost, scalability, and customization, you can select an LMS that meets your requirements and helps you achieve your goals.


What is a Learning Management System (LMS)?

A learning management system, or LMS for short, is a piece of software or web-based technology used to organize, carry out, and evaluate a particular learning activity. An LMS often gives teachers the tools to develop and distribute curriculum, track student involvement, and evaluate student achievement.

What are the Common Features of a Learning Management System (LMS)?

  1. Course creation and management tools: Allows administrators to create, edit, and manage educational or training content.
  2. User management: Allows administrators to create and manage user accounts, assign roles and permissions, and track user progress.
  3. Communication and collaboration tools: Includes features such as discussion boards, messaging, and group work tools that allow learners to communicate and collaborate with each other.
  4. Assessment and testing: Includes tools for creating and administering quizzes, tests, and exams, as well as tracking and reporting on results.
  5. Tracking and reporting: Allows administrators to track the progress and performance of learners, including time spent on the LMS, scores on assessments, and completion of courses.
  6. Mobile compatibility: Allows learners to access the LMS from any device, including smartphones or tablets.
  7. Gamification: Add elements of game-based learning, such as points, badges, and leaderboards, to increase engagement and motivation.
  8. Integrations: Integrate with other software and platforms, such as HR systems, payment gateways, or video conferencing tools.
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